Audio 630M headset by Plantronics

Using your PC to communicate has become the norm, as Skype and other internet telephony systems have not only taken over home use but also the office. In order to make the most of these outstanding services, one does need a quality headset for optimal sound quality and the fully digital Audio 630M headset from Plantronics is one such headset. Rather than relying on the typically low quality audio of a motherboard or sound card, the Audio 630M puts high quality audio out near the headset itself by used digital audio over the USB bus. This significantly cuts down on the interference and noise associated with a long cable carrying analog signals. USB digital sound quality is so clear you will swear the other person is sitting right next to you, even if they are 1/2 way around the world. A noise canceling microphone is a must for any headset, and the Audio 630M works well at removing a noisy background making you sound even more professional. For comfort, over-the-head designs with soft swivel-mounted ear cushions are great. We really liked the inline fingertip controls for volume and mute, so you are not fumbling with your computers software trying to hit the mute while the kids screaming as they run through your home office. Placing the microphone in the proper position is one of the most important, and often difficult tasks, but the Audio 630M makes it easy with their QuickAdjust boom. Whether you are using Skype to talk to the family or Microsoft Office Communicator for a business conference, the Audio 630M is a great, lightweight headset that will make the sound come alive. For the linux buff, the Audio 630M headset is also supported by favorite versions such as Ubuntu. Find out where to purchase here.

To view the full line of Plantronics products, please visit

Mother of 7 Stephanie Scholz Neurohr Part I

National Breastfeeding Awareness Month is organized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and hopes to empower women to commit to breastfeeding by highlighting new research that shows babies who are exclusively breastfed for six months are less likely to develop ear infections, diarrhea and respiratory illnesses, and may be less likely to develop childhood obesity.

We are honored to highlight Stephanie Scholz Neurohr this month, in recognition of her tremendous efforts to promote breastfeeding.

Success Through Play™ is proud to bring you this interview with a multi-talented, inspirational Mother of 7, Stephanie Scholz Neurohr.

Stephanie Scholz Neurohr is a traditional mother of seven who does it all. She is a former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, author and the founder & CEO of Mother of 7, Inc. – a motherhood company specializing in products for the expectant, new mother, and family. Stephanie is a recognized leader in motherhood development and is known world-wide for her outstanding contributions in educating new and expecting mothers. Neurohr grew up in Lubbock, Texas, where she graduated from high school early, and with honors, to go on to earn her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film at Southern Methodist University. In 1979, Stephanie Scholz Neurohr was one of eleven rookies chosen from over 2,500 women to join the renowned Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders cheerleading squad. She was also elected to represent the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders for three years as a famed “Show Group” member who made hundreds of personal appearances entertaining U.S.O. troops, State Fair fans, and Charity Telethon audiences nationwide.

Neurohr authored Deep in the Heart of Texas: The Real Story of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders; St. Martin’s Press.

Stephanie has made many national TV appearances including:

* Larry King Live
* Good Morning America
* CBS This Morning
* NFL Today
* Inside Edition
* Jenny Jones
* Joan Rivers
* Maurey Povich
* Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Part II
* Family Feud
* Bob Hope’s Tribute to Roger Staubach

Among her myriad producing credits, her documentary Autumn’s Story was featured on Discovery Health Network and she recently launched the Mother of 7 global birth and breastfeeding video series.

Mother of 7 Projects

Neurohr has written, directed, and produced Mother of 7 global birth and breastfeeding videos – Breastfeeding Basics (20 min.), Breastfeeding Intensive (45 min.), Breastfeeding Comprehensive (130 min.), Breastfeeding FAQs: Ask the Experts (45 minutes) and Autumn’s Story (45 min.). All DVDs/VHSs are available worldwide, May 2006, featuring representatives from the U.S. Government, UNICEF, World Health Organization, African-American Breastfeeding Alliance, Pediatricians Dr. William Sears, Dr. Jay Gordon, Dr. Paul Fleiss, La Leche League Founders Marion Tompson and Edwina Froehlich and other leading motherhood world authorities as well as mothers, babies, and families from over 63 countries. These state of the art videos will be distributed internationally through website, retail stores, hospitals, health care professionals and other educational venues.

* Mother of 7 Birth and Breastfeeding Videos featured in Jan. 2007 Pregnancy magazine and Jan. 2007 Pregnancy magazine “Favorite Buyers Guide.”

* World WIT and Business Women’s Network 2006 Diversity and Women’s Leadership Summit and Gala “Entrepreneurial Star Award” honoring the Mother of 7 Videos in Washington, D.C. October 25-26, 2006

* Baby Dallas Article – “The Glory of Breastfeeding”

* Dallas Morning News Article – “Breastfeeding Advocate’s Hail Dallas Mom’s Video Series”

* Maui News Article – “A Mother’s Passion”

* ABC News Now – Live TV Interview followed 20/20

* Channel 11 Kids Corner Live TV Interview

* World Breastfeeding Week 2006 Platinum Sponsor

Autumn’s Story, a 45 min. documentary for Discovery Health Channel, was Neurohr’s highly-acclaimed television show, which she wrote, directed, and produced. Discovery says, “Autumn’s Story continuously receives top ratings – a DHC favorite. ”

Stephanie makes it clear that her family comes first. Stephanie works out of her home, adapting to her childrens’ schedules, to bring creative endeavors to life, which mirror her philosophy, “a child’s well-being begins at home.” Tom Bywaters, an Emmy award winning producer and director, describes Stephanie Neurohr as “a motherhood industry!”

Stephanie is also currently designing a line of maternity/nursing wear, mother/baby baskets, and producing a lullaby album for mother and child. A series of Family Fairytale Animated TV Shows and Books are in development.

See for more information.

What was the inspiration behind the development of your series of instructional breastfeeding DVD’s?

There are no up-to-date, cutting edge Birth, Baby, and Breastfeeding DVDs currently on the market featuring world experts and experienced moms from all over the globe, so I knew my knowledge as a mother of 7 exclusively breastfed children, author, and filmmaker would be the perfect combination to show and tell every expectant and new mother the way. When you please world authorities, educators, and mothers from various ethnicities, backgrounds, and cultures, you’ve done your homework as a documentary filmmaker. Touching and educating lives all over our planet has been very gratifying. These were the tools I needed to show me the way. I also needed review courses before every baby, or babies! DVDs are the next best resource to someone actually showing you how they are breastfeeding their baby!

Can you offer our international readers 5 breastfeeding tips that you have discovered along the way, that you wish someone had told you in the beginning?

1. Breastfeed Your Baby During the First Hour of Life

If you have a vaginal birth or c-section and both you and the baby are healthy, don’t miss the magical first hour to start breastfeeding. Talk with your health care provider team both before and immediately after delivery to remind them of your desire to breastfeed as soon after birth as possible. The hour goes very quickly. Voice your request and seize this special opportunity.

2. Breastfeed Exclusively and Frequently with Let Down and Proper Technique

Before delivery, learn about proper technique, maximizing your milk supply by breastfeeding every two hours during the day and at least twice during the night, and allowing time for let down during each feed. Breastfeed exclusively for the first six months and continue to breastfeed as long as possible (Benefits of breastfeeding are dose related

– the longer you breastfeed – the greater the benefits!) and mutually desired by both you and your child.

3. Room-In

If possible, deliver at a Baby Friendly Hospital, where you can have your baby with you at all times for “on-demand” feedings to prevent jaundice, engorgement, plugged ducts, and mastitis—all of which can be overcome with continued, frequent breastfeeding. If you develop any of these problems, don’t stop breastfeeding; the solution is to continue nursing and/or pumping.

4. Avoid Sleep Deprivation

Room-in with your baby so you can breastfeed on-demand and sleep when baby sleeps. Night nursing is an ideal way for both mother and baby to get more sleep, because mother stays in constant touch with baby’s needs as they cuddle and nap together, all part of attachment parenting.

5. Let Someone Else Be Super Mom

Cook and freeze meals before delivery. They will come in very handy. Have friends and family cook, clean, and deliver meals to reduce stress. Everyone is anxious to help, so don’t be shy about delegating tasks. Don’t feel you have to entertain anybody either. Excuse yourself when well-wishers stay too long. They go home to a good night’s sleep; you don’t. Dismiss yourself with the baby into a quiet room with white noise (fans are great) or soothing music to drown out all extraneous noise. Silence the phone and let the answering machine do its job. Stay away from anything that will drain your energy and take time away from taking care of yourself and the baby. Let-down takes time to learn and is difficult even for experienced moms who find themselves multi-tasking and feeling tense. The post-partum period is the perfect time to be totally selfish. Everyone will understand, and if they don’t, they’ll get over it.

6. Eat Well and Enjoy Your Body (Bonus!)

Eat nutritional foods as often as you feel the need for extra energy. Small meals several times a day usually help keep your milk supply up and let down possible. If your milk isn’t letting down, take a break, eat a nutritious snack, and drink a tall glass of liquid. Try again to breastfeed an hour later. It usually does the trick. Avoid empty calories like sweets, caffeine, and alcohol, and certain foods like dairy products and spicy foods.

Success Through Play™ Comments:

Thank you Stephanie for sharing these tips with us! To learn more about the DVD collection that Mother of 7 Inc, offers and enter the DVD giveaway, please refer to Part II.

Mother of 7 DVD Collection Part II

Mother of 7, Inc. offers a extension collection of powerful and life changing DVD’s that are truly empowering and we encourage you to visit their website to learn more:



ISBN: 0976643073; 9780976643074

Author: Stephanie, Director; Hunt Neurohr MD, Exec. Producer; Miriam Labbok, MD, Expert


A vast panel of world breastfeeding authorities present comprehensive, up-to-date health information and expert instruction. Mothers from all over the world share rarely-captured mother-to-mother insights and tips.


This award-winning DVD takes the audience on an emotional and empowering journey from birth to breastfeeding and beyond—featuring exclusive interviews and instruction from global breastfeeding authorities, including World Health Organization, UNICEF, African-American Breastfeeding Alliance, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, renowned pediatricians, neonatologists, lactation consultants, midwives, breastfeeding educators, authors, and research

Experts provide Cutting-Edge Instructional Techniques on How To Breastfeed, Solutions to Common Problems, and In-Depth, Comprehensive Information on topics such as Health Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother And Baby, Updated Breast Anatomy and Milk Production, Breastfeeding and Returning to Work, Extended Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Preemies, Multiples, and Special Needs Infants, Breastfeeding after Surgery, Nutrition, Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, Challenges in the 21st Century, and Many More Topics. Experienced racially-diverse mothers and fathers from around the globe share essential insights. High-definition footage, easy to navigate chapters, cutting-edge medical animation, and a Grammy-award winning musical underscore take breastfeeding education to its highest level.

Breastfeeding Comprehensive, produced by Mother of 7, Inc., meets the WHO Code.



ISBN 0976643022; 9780976643029

Authors: Stephanie Scholz Neurohr, Director, Hunt Neurohr MD, Exec. Producer, Chele Marmet MA IBCLC, expert


Renowned lactation consultants and pediatricians present cutting-edge health information and expert instruction on how to breastfeed. Mothers from all over the world share rarely-captured mother-to-mother insights and tips.


In this award-winning series DVD, expert pediatricians, lactation consultants, midwives, and breastfeeding educators present cutting-edge information and instructional techniques that empower the expectant and new mother to breastfeed successfully. Experts extensively cover the Health Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother and Baby, Preparation before Delivery, Getting off to the Right Start, Correct Positioning, Proper Latch-on, Suckling Reflex, Let-Down, How the Breast Makes Milk, Colostrum to Mature Milk, Fore Milk and Hind Milk, How often to Breastfeed, Signs Baby’s Getting Enough Milk, Finding Help and Support Groups, and More. Experienced racially-diverse mothers from all over the world share rarely captured mother-to-mother advice, insights, and tips. High-definition footage, easy to navigate chapters, cutting-edge medical animation, and a Grammy-award winning musical underscore take breastfeeding education to its highest level.Breastfeeding Intensive, produced by Mother of 7, Inc., meets the WHO Code. Breastfeeding Intensive is a 45-minute excerpt of Breastfeeding Comprehensive.



ISBN: 0976643014; 9780976643012

Stephanie, Hunt, and William Sears MD (Expert)


Experts present the latest instructional techniques on how to breastfeed. Mothers from all over the world share rarely-captured mother-to-mother insights and tips.


In this award-winning series DVD, renowned breastfeeding experts and educators present cutting-edge information and instructional techniques that empower the expectant and new mother to breastfeed successfully, covering Getting Off to the Right Start, Proper Positioning and Latch-on, Sucking Reflex, Let-down, and More. Experienced racially-diverse mothers from around the world share rarely-captured mother-to-mother advice, insights, and tips. High-definition footage, easy to navigate chapters, cutting-edge medical animation, and a Grammy-award winning musical underscore take breastfeeding education to its highest level.

Breastfeeding Basics, produced by Mother of 7, Inc., meets the WHO Code. Breastfeeding Basics is a 20-minute excerpt of Breastfeeding Comprehensive



Author: Mother of 7, Inc. (Producer), SSN (Director) Hunt Neurohr (Exec. Producer).

ISBN: 0976643057; 9780976643050


A fun, fast-paced, fact-filled interactive group discussion of Frequently Asked Questions & Answers about breastfeeding with experts & educator-mothers. Covers Benefits of Breastfeeding, Strategies for Success, Problems and Solutions, Breastfeeding and Returning to Work, and Legal Rights.


This award-winning series DVD presents rarely-captured mother-to-mother advice in a fun, fast-paced, and fact-filled interactive group discussion with expert and educator mothers answering Frequently Asked Questions about breastfeeding. Invaluable information on breastfeeding from a variety of expert/experienced mother perspectives is presented, covering everything from the Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother and Baby, Preparation, Getting Started, Strategies for Success, Problems and Solutions, Breastfeeding and Returning to Work, How to be Your Own Advocate, Legal Rights to Breastfeed in Public, and Much More. Breastfeeding FAQs: Ask the Experts is the perfect complementary video resource to the instructional DVDs in the award-winning Mother of 7 Birth and Breastfeeding Series: Breastfeeding Basics, Breastfeeding Intensive, and Breastfeeding Comprehensive.

Breastfeeding FAQs: Ask the Experts, produced by Mother of 7, Inc., meets the WHO Code.



ISBN: 0976643006; 9780976643005


Highly acclaimed Discover Health Channel film documents a mother and baby’s struggle to survive in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Includes coverage of post-traumatic stress, postpartum depression, the healing power of breastfeeding, and more.


Autumn’s Story: A Struggle for Life… A Story of Love … This Highly acclaimed Discovery Health Channel Documentary has powerfully changed NICU policies all over the world. Both gripping and inspirational, this real time film documents a baby’s and mother’s struggle for survival in the NICU. Ultimately, medical expertise, breastfeeding and prayer carry both mother and baby through the trauma, intact, but not without deep scars that will last a lifetime. Post-partum depression, post-traumatic stress syndrome, the critical need for mother’s milk, medical teamwork, and NICU challenges are thoroughly covered in this Discovery Health Channel favorite. Autumn’s Story is a compelling and heart-rending film about Neurohr’s seventh baby, Autumn, who lost her twin in-utero and entered the world with life threatening birth defects, tracheo-esophageal fistula and esophageal atresia. Autumn’s trachea and esophagus were abnormally formed and joined together. Less than one day old, Autumn underwent surgery to correct her esophagus and trachea, but a paralyzed left vocal cord further complicated her condition and jeopardized her life.

Stephanie documented the pregnancy, birth, NICU experience, and first two years of Autumn’s fragile life in notes, photographs, and video footage. Autumn’s Story aired again on Mother’s Day, 2003, primetime. Autumn, now seven, is healthy, happy, and thriving. Please see for more information.


The DVD’s can be viewed on international DVD players and are available to be shipped worldwide.

Visit: to purchase.

Success Through Play™ Comments:

We thank Mother of 7, Inc. for sending us 5 DVD’s for this feature and praise the unbeatable, professional and timely customer service that we have received. Mother of 7, Inc produces an extensive collection of DVD’s which are of superb quality and will serve as essential reference guides which you will refer to time and time again. It comes as no surprise to learn that the Mother of 7 DVD Collection is award winning! The DVD’s are of exceptionally high quality and are truly enjoyable and exciting to watch.

While there are many helpful Breastfeeding books on the international market, learning through watching a DVD is far easier and can be down in less time! The key to successful breastfeeding lies in being taught the correct techniques so that you can reduce the chances of problems developing. In this series of DVD’s you will develop insight into what these techniques are and be able to follow along with the instructions provided.

We showed the breastfeeding collection of DVD’s to a panel of moms, with experiences of breastfeeding ranging from a first time pregnant moms to be, all the way through to experienced breastfeeding moms. An experienced mom commented “I thought that I knew everything that there was to know breastfeeding, but boy was I wrong. These DVD’s are nothing short of exceptional”.

Breastfeeding Comprehensive:

If you are unable to attend a breastfeeding workshop, order this comprehensive DVD which teach you EVERYTHING that you need to know about breastfeeding in the comfort of your own home. You will be amazed at how much you have learned by the end of the DVD. The advantage of buying this one of a kind comprehensive DVD, is that you will have a outstanding resource guide which you can and will refer to throughout your breastfeeding journey. You will be able to access expert advice and instruction at the touch of a button and have an excellent visual aid to guide you! Highlights include learning how to successfully nurse singles, twins, preemies and even special needs infants. You will learn how to effectively use a breast pump, how to return to work and continue to breastfeeding. The topic of nursing an adopted baby is addressed, nursing after breast surgery and even how to practice extended breastfeeding. Many, many more topics are addressed. An outstanding buy!

Breastfeeding Intensive:

Experts will guide you and teach you essential breastfeeding skills which will ensure that you are taught the correct techniques and given the correct instruction to breastfeed your baby. You will learn vital information that will help you understand the science behind breastfeeding and equip you with skills that will help you to breastfeed successfully. Dr Sears and Jay Gordan, well known and deeply respected pediatricians, plus many other renowned health professionals and educators make an appearance and offers expert insights and advice about breastfeeding that you will only learn here! We really appreciated seeing a first time mom who had just given birth and was receiving actual instruction from a lactation consultant being featured. This DVD features families that represent 7 continents and is culturally sound. Breastfeeding Intensive, is a 45-minute excerpt of Breastfeeding Comprehensive.

Breastfeeding Basics:

This 20 min DVD will teach you the correct breastfeeding techniques that you need to learn to get started. Lactation consultants and experienced moms will reveal tips which will help you get breastfeeding off to a great start. Familiar pediatricians including Dr Sears and Dr Jay Gordan make an appearance. 20-minute excerpt of Breastfeeding Comprehensive

Breastfeeding FAQ’s:

This DVD features a variety of breastfeeding experts including Dr Maria Blois, who we recently interviewed, who share their expertise and answer common questions about breastfeeding. Many common questions are addressed including: How to avoid breastfeeding problems, is my baby getting enough milk, how often does baby need to eat and many many more questions! The DVD is informative, positive, encouraging and will motivate you to contine to breastfeeding and offer you tips and tools to overcome many common issues. This DVD is a p perfect compliment to the instructional breastfeeding DVD’s listed above.

Overall, an outstanding collection of DVD’s which will empower you and provide you with the tools necessary to breastfeed your baby with success. It is clear that Mother of 7, Inc has gone to great lengths to produce this series and have spared no expensive with the professional quality 3D animation, music and top notch visuals and audio. We have not seen a series of breastfeeding DVD’s that comes close to matching the quality of the Mother of 7 Inc, DVD’s.

Autumn’s Story

Autumn’s story is a “must see” documentary that will surely change your life and deepen your understanding of the human spirit. Stephanie must be commended for sharing her personal account of delivering a special needs baby and her commitment to breastfeeding Autumn is nothing short of extraordinary. Her conviction, courage and bravery is a true inspiration.

To learn more please visit

Boob Design Giveaway for Breastfeeding Awareness Month 2009

National Breastfeeding Awareness Month is organized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and hopes to empower women to commit to breastfeeding by highlighting new research that shows babies who are exclusively breastfed for six months are less likely to develop ear infections, diarrhea and respiratory illnesses, and may be less likely to develop childhood obesity.

In honor of Breastfeeding Awareness Month, Boob Design a Swedish designer of nursing and maternity apparel, has sponsored our reader giveaway. We have 3 terrific prizes up for grabs.


Strap Dress – Green – Size M
Drawstring Top Green – Size M
B Warmer – Gray – Size M
Bl leggings – Size L


Strap dress – Orange – Size M
Drawstring Top (see above) – Gray – Size M
Leggings – Purple, M and L


Hidden function summer dress – Black – Size M
hidden function top – Blue – Size M
Leggings – Black – Size M

To enter please send an email to info[AT]SuccessThroughPlay[DOT]com with “Boob Design” in the subject line. Please include your name, email, mailing address and whether you would like to win Prize A, B or C. Please enter by midnight August 27, 2009, PST. We do not tolerate SPAM and all information will be kept confidential and won’t be sold. Three winners will be chosen at random.

Boob Design offers innovative and stylish nursing apparel that will allow moms to breastfeed discreetly, no matter where they are. To learn more, please visit:

Giveaway pure t – eco-friendly maternity apparel born in the USA

Pure t was founded by Jenn and Ian a dynamic duo who are based in NYC. They were inspired to start designing maternity apparel when their newly pregnant friends complained to them about the lack of “fun and fresh” maternity apparel on the market. Pure t specializes in luxurious for comfort and form with a focus on meaningful graphics.

Pure t practices what is preaches and all their apparel are made ethically in the USA. Their tees are knit with eco-friendly materials including modal and organic cotton. Taking it a step further, pure t uses vegetable water soluble dyes and screen printing all which are certified eco-friendly. For that special touch, all pure t apparel proudly display the brand’s signature trademark a beautiful lotus bloom which signifies prosperity, feminine beauty and birth in ancient traditions.

Tees which grow with you
pure t tees are created with an extra soft eco-friendly combination of natural fibers. They feel magnificent against your skin. Pure t tees “grow” with you! Tees have “memory” and after washing will return to original shape. The well made tees gently caresses your bump leaving you with a flattering silhouette, no matter where in your pregnancy you are. In addition, the tees will fit you post pregnancy thus offering extra value. The tees are cut longer length for additional bump coverage. The high quality tees will really impress you and they are well worth the cost.

Meaningful words and graphics
Pure T apparel proudly displays thought provoking and poignant words and graphics while avoiding the cliches.

Our favorite:

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”

The Pure t Summer 2009 line is vibrant and hip and features several new styles which are earth-friendly:

heart bump tie dye & kaleidoscope (right)
Organic Cotton with water based dyes

glow & love life M. Ghandi quote (left)
Luxurious Supima cotton modal with an incredible earth friendly graphic and dye process- which is completely certified eco-friendly.

Panel Favorites

Organic coffee-brown short sleeve maternity tee (right) This gorgeous tee is perfect for summer and is so comfortable to wear and flatters the bump beautifully. The Inspirational tree graphic and powerful words are printed with eco-friendly vegetable dyes.

Organic apple-green short sleeve baby tee (left) Pure t has not forgotten about your baby with their inspirational tree graphic printed with eco-friendly vegetable dyes. This adorable tee will look terrific on your baby and is sure to attract many compliments. Baby will love the super soft organic cotton fabric!

Pure t will plant one tree with the American Forests Global Releaf Program for each of the tees above that are purchased. We commend Pure t for taking a proactive approach to building our forests. Bravo!

All pure t apparel are made proudly and ethically in the USA. Purchase pure t apparel here


Courtesy of pure t, we have 3 gorgeous maternity tees up for grabs.

Prize A

Pretty Raglan Tee – Black Size Large

This gorgeous top is lightweight, sexy and can be dressed up with a great pair of jeans for a night on the town. The flutter sleeves are flattering and the key hole design on the back adds a feminine touch.

Prize B

Short sleeve ruched shoulder tee Army, Size Large
When the temperature soars, reach for this stylish summer tee to keep you cool. The fabric is ultra soft and you will feel as if you are wearing nothing at all! The puff sleeve is stylish and this tee will work with a skirt, a pair of shorts, cargos and jeans.

Prize C

Short sleeve ruched shoulder tee
Brick Red, Size Large
Bring some color into your summer wardrobe with this beautiful Brick Red Tee. This tee will grow with you and is super flattering on. You will want to stock up.

To enter please send an email to info[AT]SuccessThroughPlay[DOT]com with “pure t summer Giveaway” in the subject line. Please include your name, email, mailing address and whether you would like to win Prize A, B or C. Please enter by midnight August 10, 2009, PST. We do not tolerate SPAM and all information will be kept confidential and won’t be sold.

Magellan’s Summer Travel Special

Magellan’s was founded by two travel professionals to provide a single source of unique and useful travel products, supported by well trained travel gear specialists, and backed by a complete 100% guarantee of satisfaction. While working for Pan Am Airways, John and Gloria McManus traveled extensively around the world and were frustrated by the inadequate supply of travel products available to consumers. In 1989 they created Magellan’s catalog, starting with a 32 page black and white catalog of hard-to-find travel products. John’s no-nonsense, detailed descriptions of each item made it clear how each addressed a travel problem, from overseas electrical adaptors to third world health and hygiene. Their mission is to make your travel more comfortable, safe, and rewarding. The Magellans website is well designed and packed with terrific travel articles.

Here are our top picks for the Summer Travel Season from Magellans. Be sure to enter the reader giveaway!

Arm Pocket (Giveaway item)
Now here is something not only unique but really useful, on holiday or even while you are out for a jog. The Arm Pocket from Magellans lets you keep your money, even your room key, in a place even the best pick-pocket might not think of; up your sleeve. The stretchy, sturdy material is very comfortable and the two pockets are great for storing large and small bills separately, an ID card, ATM card , keeping your room key and more. Travel aside, the arm wallet is useful on short errands when you need to stash some small notes for a bottle of water and your house key while on a short walk and your key when out and about.

The TourSafe™ Large Security Handbag
from Magellans is a stylish, lightweight and well designed handbag measuring 16½ x 9½ x 3¾”. The bag boasts anti-theft technology, and is slashproof, snatchproof and tamperproof. The adjustable shoulder strap is very comfortable and you can securely sling the bag over your body messenger style for extra security. The inside of the bag (we received the taupe color) is lightly colored so there is no black hold effect. The interior of the bag is very well designed, with compartments for storing your cell phone, wallet and even slots for stashing your credit cards and pens. A large zippered padded pocket on the rear will keep precious items well protected. This bag will look terrific with any outfit!

The TourSafe™ Security Wallet is the perfect compliment to the TourSafe™ Bag.
It measures 7¾ x 4¼ x ¾”; and comes complete with a 17″ long chain which attaches to your TourSafe™ Bag for complete protection. Now you will no longer fear having to whip out your wallet in a crowded area. The wallet is very spacious inside, expanding to accommodate notes, coins, credit cards and even your passport.

Special offer: Save 50%
Buy the large Toursafe Handbag or Backpack/Sling and you can purchase the matching Toursafe Security wallet for half price. Great deal!

The versatile Daily Bag measures 8″ x 7″ x 3″ and can be worn across your body, over your shoulder or as a waist pack. It boasts high quality hardware for security and a rugged stain and water resistant nylon fabric to ensure that it remains looking clean and fresh throughout your travels. The spacious interior is lightly colored (we received this item in nutmeg) and will hold snacks, a lightweight foldable hat, camera and other essentials. There are several zippered compartments, some hidden, to keep your passport, map, and even your compact GPS safely stored. We love the front flap with quick access magnetic closure for storing a cell phone or other essential item.

Kleen Kanteen bottle (Giveaway item)
Replace your toxic plastic water bottle with a re-usable, non-toxic stainless steel bottle. Kleen Kanteen is the stylish eco-friendly replacement to plastic bottles and is made from food grade 18/8 stainless steel. Weighing in at only 7oz, the lightweight bottle holds 27 ounces is available in 5 solid colors, to brighten up your day. The polyprop cap has a loop for attaching to a backpack. The bottle is ergonomic and easy to grip.The benefits of switching to a Kleen Kanteen stainless steel bottle are endless. Stainless steel is a safe eco-alternative to #1 plastic and you won’t be exposing your body to unwanted chemicals and compounds in the plastic. In addition, you won’t have to waste hard earned money buying bottled water which ends up clogging up our landfill.

Combination Converter and Adaptor Plugs (Giveaway)
When traveling overseas, you want to bring just one power converter, but the requirements for energy and performance vary depending on the appliance being used. A Hair Dryer (up to 2000 watts) typically needs a very different kind of power converter (a solid state converter) than a cell phone charger (under 50 watts) which works by using a transformer. This converter is unique, it can do it all because of its built in auto switching ability. Four commonly used adaptor plugs are provided.

The Dual Voltage Steamer with adaptor plugs is a must for traveling, on business or vacation. Everyone wants to have neat and presentable clothes when they arrive but bringing your home iron is just not possible; its just too big and bulky and it does not work well on international power. Using the hotels iron and ironing board is not only inconvenient due to the lack of space to setup the ironing board but how many times have you ruined a nice new white shirt by scorching it with a cheap iron or getting some unknown sticky substance seared into your nice new blouse? The Dual Voltage Steamer takes care of it all, just hang up your clothes on a hanger, fill with water, plug it in and steam out those wrinkles the way professional laundry services do. You will be looking great in no time with much less effort. Four commonly used adaptor plugs are provided.

Travel Smart All-in-One Adapter:
Finally one device to connect nearly any international outlet to any other plug! Instead of having a bag full of mechanical conversion plugs for your globetrotting, bring the All-in-One Adapter along. Select the right setting, slide open the right pins for the outlet in your current hotel room, and plug in your universal notebook power supply, cell phone charge, and much more. Even bring home universal power foreign products and use them back in the States. While it does not convert the voltage, it certainly solves a great many problems in finding the right mechanical converter you will need and you wont have to go looking for that single plug converter you had on your last trip.


Courtesy of Magellans, one lucky reader will win the following prize:

*The Arm Pocket (Tan)
*Kleen Kanteen bottle (Blue)
*Combination Converter and Adaptor Plugs

Contest is now closed.

To view the full range, please visit:

Logitech WebCam® Pro 9000 – The only webcam that you will ever need

Is dad away on a business trip but still wants to read bedtime stories to the kids? Do the grandparents long to see their grandchildren on a regular basis but live across the country or overseas? Well today these desires have become commonplace and the webcam has become as indispensable as the hairdryer.

Unfortunately the reality of most webcams is that you can’t even recognize anyone! This is definitely not the case with the WebCam® Pro 9000 from Logitech. Logitech rightly decided that they really do care about quality and that the optics are the key to a really great webcam. By selecting high quality Carl Zeiss optics, known for making professional microscopes, telescopes, camera lenses and more, Logitech has combined outstanding optics with a high resolution image sensor. So why are these important? The cheap webcams, even those built into a laptop, are typically plastic which yellow overtime, but more importantly are small in diameter, causing the lens to create significant distortion. Do your kids look like they are living in a fish tank when you see them on the webcam? Then you know what we mean. The Logitech WebCam® Pro 9000 does not do this. Most webcams are Fixed Focus, meaning they really don’t focus properly. The WebCam® Pro 9000 has and Autofocus feature built in to give clear, sharp pictures that are always in focus, and with the RightLight 2 technology, the brightness level is automatically controlled. The images are crisp and clear without distortion, the colors come through vibrantly and without chromatic distortion (that funny rainbow effect you see around the edges of white objects). The high 2 megapixel image sensors resolution is great for more than just Skype. With up to 1600 x 1200 pixels, the optics are good enough that we have used them as a quick replacement for a scanner when in a crunch and the images came out acceptably well for faxing signed letters and more. One perfect application for the WebCam® Pro 9000 is making your own YouTube videos and recording your own vlogs. The Logitech® Video Effects™ is a nice bonus and will liven up any conversation and is sure to evoke lots of laughs with the kids. With the Universal Monitor Clip, we found a nearly infinite ways to position the Logitech WebCam® Pro 9000 from on the edge of our laptop screen, to a full sized LCD monitor, to the desktop, and even hanging from a shelf. With the built in microphone, one can record the children practicing for the kindergarten play with full sound right at home as well as keeping dad up-to-date on the latest adventures of the day when he is far from home.

Purchase your Logitech WebCam® Pro 9000 here.

To view the full range of products that Logitech offers, please click here.

[bump] babies Summer 2009 Maternity Line

[bump] babies was founded by Renae Plant, a native Australian and Mom Entrepreneur. Renae moved to NYC in 1994 to pursue a career in modeling and acting but realized that the life of an artist/designer was more suited to her. Renae moved to LA and 2 years later opened a talent management company.

Renae is a true warrior, having battled cervical cancer at the age of 18, and being an egg donor to help infertile couples. In 2003, Renae married and become pregnant with her first child. Renae was thrilled to be expecting yet in the early months was frustrated because she wanted to inform those around her that she “hadn’t let herself go” but that she had a “bump on board”. She searched unsuccessfully for hip maternity apparel for this initial period of her pregnancy, but had no luck finding anything. With her background in design and fashion, she designed and created her own fun, stylish, sexy maternity designs which attracted immediate positive feedback from those around her. During her 2nd pregnancy, she continued designing and expanding her [bump] line and it was during this time when [bump] babies was born. [bump] stands for “baby under manufacturing process.” Many celebrities including Gwen Stefani, Maggie Gyllenhall, Marcia Cross, Brook Burke, Jennie Garth, Amanda Peet, Tori Spelling, Jaime Pressly, Melanie B, Keri Russell, Jenna Elfman, Naomi Watts, Salma Hayek have been spotted in [bump] apparel. Renae lives in L.A. with her husband and 3 children.

[bump] babies offers the following lines: bump dresses, tees, tanks, vees, maroc, yoga, daddy and bling. The line is beautifully designed using high quality materials and stitching, with many styles featuring Swarovski embellishments for that extra special touch. The styles work beautifully from early pregnancy onwards as well as during the transition period (4th trimester), offering plenty of value.

For Summer 2009, here are our top picks:

[bump] vees – The v-neck maternity tee (vees) are hip, fun and sexy and work beautifully paired with jeans, or your favorite skirt. Many designs feature Swarovski crystals for that “extra bling”, enough to make any mom-to-be feel gorgeous. For casual days, pair with [bump] yoga pants for workouts or laid back weekends. The vees are very well made and have a flattering v-neck to accentuate your neckline. The vees are made from 100% cotton and are comfortable to wear; allowing for movement.

[bump] dresses
The gorgeous v-neck dress accentuates your growing curves and is a must have item for warm summer days. Designed to maximize movement while maintaining a chic, pulled together look, it will become your favorite go to outfit this summer. The v-neck dress can be dressed up with accessories and paired with a wrap for the evening. Available in solid print or for the bold, solid print with [bump] logo to make a statement. A panel favorite!

[bump] hasn’t forgotten Dads with their cool line of apparel for Dads: [bump] daddy. Now dads-to-be can share in the fun and express themselves through the [bump] daddy tees designed with dads in mind. A great gift item.

Another favorite of ours is the post [bump] tee (left) which will alert the world that you have indeed had your baby! Perhaps hospitals and birthing centers should gift these tees on your way out!

Giving Back

A percentage of each [bump] sale goes towards, who’s mission is to alleviate poverty through connecting people who wish to lend to an entrepreneur in a third world country (micro-lending). We applaud [bump] babies for this initiative.


Bump offers a unique sizing chart which can be found here. Shop online at the [bump babies] online store where with shipping available to the USA and international locations.

Find a retail store in your area

For more information, please visit

The 2009 Bumbleride Flyer – The most ergonomic stroller on the market.

Bumbleride Inc. was launched in San Diego, California in 2004 by a husband and wife team, Matthew and Emily Reichardt, who were less than impressed by the stroller market at the time. Through design and research, they developed Bumbleride, a brand inspired by the current young and modern family. Bumbleride’s collection of strollers is playful, responsive and fun.

“We are reshaping baby mobility in a way to flow seamlessly into your modern lifestyle. Our design inspiration comes from you: the young and modern family. We strive to create products that are urban, stylish and functional while remaining sound and durable. Our collection is versatile and multi-faceted and includes a variety of features, vibrant colors and clever accessories.”

Bumbleride is an eco-minded company, sponsoring recycling programs and offering employee carpooling incentives. Bumbleride strollers are innovative, ergonomic, stylish, colorful and fun, keeping modern parents in mind. Bumbleride strollers have won several awards, and just recently, Indie and Indie Twin won the iParenting award and the Indie Twin also won NAPPA honors award.

Today, we are focusing on the 2009 Bumbleride Flyer, a well made, ergonomic stroller which will take you from the newborn years, through the toddler years and well beyond.

2009 Flyer Standard Accessories:

*Rain cover
*Bumper Bar
*Infant headrest
*Infant Car Seat Adapter and Safety Belt
*Cup Holder
*Headrest and Shoulder Pads

2009 Flyer Optional Accessories:

*Footmuff & liner
*Jam Pack

New for 2009

*One push release safety harness
*New sporty wheels
*Responsive steering
*Slimmer design

The 2009 Bumbleride Flyer


The innovative flyer is the most ergonomic stroller on the market, allowing parents to adjust the stroller so that both parent and baby are strolling in optimum comfort to support good posture. Parents will really appreciate the fully adjustable handlebars, which will accommodate parents of different heights. The stroller can be used from birth, as it is one of the few strollers on the market that can be transformed into an “infant bed” by adjusting the seat back to the lowest position and raising the footrest. The backrest has 3 different positions to accommodate your baby/child as they grow in length. As your baby grows and develops posture control and strength, you simply adjust the settings on the Flyer to allow baby to stroll in a more upright position. This stroller is one of the few on the market that will take you from infancy, through the toddler years and beyond, making it worthwhile purchase.


The ERGONOMIC, fully height adjustable handle bars on the 2009 Bumbleride Flyer are truly exceptional…certainly one of the best that we have seen in the industry!

Why is a fully height adjustable handle so imperative?

Quite simply, if you are not maintaining a good posture when you are pushing a stroller, you may very well find yourself developing back and shoulder pain. Glance in the mirror when you are pushing your stroller and note if your shoulders are relaxed in a neutral position, vs hunched. How does your body feel after you have been pushing the stroller? With many adjustment height settings, you are assured that you will find the ideal height for each member of the family. The padded handle bars of the flyer are comfy to grip. If you suffer from any wrist problems, (carpal tunnel, etc) you can easily find a neutral position for your wrist, which you will find invaluable. This neutral position allows you to steer the stroller as you would hold a steering wheel. The added advantage of having many height options will soon become apparent when you need tight maneuverability in crowded places or grocery stores. A quality stroller with reversible handle bars is very hard to find in this price range and this feature alone, makes the 2009 Bumbleride Flyer an outstanding buy.

Why are reversible handles so useful?

Well both parents and baby will agree that being able to see each other is reassuring for both and is especially useful to first time parents, babies who are being transitioned from carriers, fussy babies or babies who are experiencing separation anxiety.

The dual ratcheting canopy is a feature that Bumbleride is known for. The canopy can be pulled down to the level of the bumper bar, providing your baby with full protection from the elements as well as sensory overload (e.g busy grocery store). The canopy has a peek-a-boo window which will allow you to keep an eye on your child. The rear of the canopy features a pocket for light essentials. The rear of the canopy can unzip to allow air to circulate more effeciently in warmer conditions.

The well padded seat features a head rest for babies, and new for 2009, a one push release, 5 point padded safety harness system. The backrest adjusts with a swift, one handed maneuver to 4 different positions, ranging from nearly flat to upright, so that you can customize the seat include to your child’s age, size, postural ability and mood.

New for 2009, the Flyer features newly designed wheels with a sporty look. The improved responsive steering allows your to navigate tight corners with greater ease and the front and rear suspension ensure a smooth ride.

Bumper Bar
The bumper bar comes standard with the 2009 Flyer and offers additional protection for your child. It is easily removable and the location where it attaches to the frame is the some location where the carry cot and jam pack attach, allow your customize your stroller as your child grows.

Storage Basket
The large storage basket can hold a medium to large diaper bag with ease and best of all, can be accessed even with the seat fully reclined. Now that is great engineering.

Opening and closing the 2009 Flyer is surprisingly simple and easy to do with its one step fold. The Flyer weighs in at 19 pounds. For additional information, please see the demo.

Road Test
The 2009 Flyer handles itself very well in a variety of situations, whether in the mall, grocery shopping, or strolling to the park. The front and rear suspension ensure a smooth ride. Bumbleride recommends that you lock the wheels closest to you, for smoother more responsive steering and we found this advice to be very accurate.

Optional Accessories:

The Carrycot
The carrycot is easy to assemble and snaps into the same slot that the bumper bar connects to. The study carrycot has a thin, firm mattress for baby’s comfort and safety. The carrycot has 2 sturdy straps which allow you to safely lift the canopy from the stroller. The carrycot comes standard with the Bumbleride Footmuff (and seat liner to be used later with the stroller minus the carrycot), to help protect baby from the cooler weather. The carry cot is also compatible with the Bumbleride Indie, and Twin Indie.

Footmuff and Liner
The footmuff and liner are wonderful for the cooler season, and will keep baby snug and warm during outdoor walks. The liner sits on top of the stroller seat and then the footmuff zips onto it. There is a small zippered pocket on the outside of the footmuff, perfect for storing small items including keys, cash or a cell phone. The footmuff and liner are compatible with the Bumbleride India and twin Indie. The footmuff and seat liner can also be purchased separately.

The Jam Pack
is the only bag on the market that we know of that is designed to be used by both parents and children!

The PVC-free Jam Pack’s unisex design makes it suitable for moms or dads and its small size makes it ideal to grab when running a quick errand. A quick access zippered pocket on the front can hold a few diapers. There are 2 pockets for holding bottles on either side of the bag, to ensure that both you and your child are always kept well hydrated. The interior of the bag is lightly colored so there is no black hold effect. An elasticized mesh ouch can hold wipes and extra diapers. The remaining interior can hold a few baby essentials such as bibs, toys and a change of clothing for baby.A well made zipper and a magnetic closure ensure that all your contents stay safely in place.

There are 3 slim pockets on the back of the bag to hold items such as mini hand sanitizer, an energy bar, mp3 player, cell phone etc which are within easy reach.

By simply re-threading the strap, the Jam Pack can convert into a back pack for kids. The Jam Pack doubles as a back pack for your child and can fit his lunch, hat, sunblock, water and even his homework. This hybrid bag comes highly recommended.

Snack Pack

Our panel was really impressed with the snack pack is a zipper pouch which can hold a juice or yogurt and some snacks for both baby and parent. The snack pack will prove to be very handy during long outdoor walks, and especially during the summer when staying hydrated is a must.

Purchasing information:

2009 model is available in the following 5 colors: Lava, Ruby, Seagrass, Spice, and Vita.

Retail store or direct from the bumbleride online store

For more information, please visit

Anka by Svan High Chair from Scandinavian Child

Brenda Berg, CEO and founder of Scandinavian Child:

“Scandinavian Child represents 7 brands from around the world. All of them fall within the Designs without Compromise Philosophy. Every product in the collection meets criteria for both functionality, safety and design.
You don’t have to compromise style to have a great functioning product

Anka by Svan of Sweden.

The Anka by Svan of Sweden is the lower priced cousin to the Svan High Chair, yet is sturdy and full featured, offering great value in these tough economic times. It is JPMA/ASTM Safety Certified to give parents piece of mind. The Anka Chair arrives almost completely pre-assembled. Simply follow the directions in the manual and attach the 2 floor bases, the cushion and the wooden tray and you are all set. Each Anka by Svan High Chair comes with a plastic tray and a cushion included, for additional value.



The Anka Chair is a solidly constructed chair, designed with the modern parent in mind and features clean and simple lines. The chair is available in 3 finishes: Honey (cream cushion), Espresso (cream cushion) and Natural (with Chocolate Cushion) and will blend in beautifully with any kitchen and dining room decor. The Anka feature is made from solid wood which is smooth to the touch. The Anka Chair features a set of wooden bases which lends tremendous stability to the chair, particularly in the anterior posterior direction, where other high chairs fall flat.


The Anka High Chair features a 3 point restraint system which is easy to fasten and unfasten, to keep your baby/child securely in place. A child who is under 3 years of age must always be secured in the restraint system. The Anka High Chair features a metal brace which locks down to keep the legs of the chair open, much like a ladder.

Environmentally friendly:

The Anka High Chair is made with sustainable materials; solid Birch wood with a non-toxic finish. The cushions are PBDE-free, and are machine washable. The plastic tray is both BPA and Phthalate free and and is dishwasher safe. Keeping your Anka High Chair looking fresh and new has never been easier.


The Anka by Svan High Chair is completely convertible and converts easily from a high chair, to youth chair to a kid chair up to 5 yrs of age (remove the wooden guard). A high chair that grows with your child offers unbeatable value.


Like its cousin, the Svan High Chair, the Anka by High Chair offers many ergonomic features, which set it apart from other high chairs on the market. There are many advantages to purchasing a high chair which can grow with your baby, with good posture during eating being the main advantage. A baby/child who is well supported during eating will not have to waste energy on trying to maintain a good posture and can focus on the task of eating, which is what every parent wants! There are 3 main components of the Anka by Svan High Chair which are adjustable. The wooden guard on the Anka by Svan High Chair adjusts in 2 positions, depending on the age of your baby/child. This essentially adjusts the “depth of the seat” as your child grows. The wooden tray can lock into 3 different slots, depending on the size of your child. This feature, along with the adjustable wooden guard with ensure that your baby/child is positioned correctly for food to land mostly on the tray and not on his lap. A number of high end high chairs on the market are designed with a tray which is positioned very far from the child, with the food ending up in the child’s lap! The footrest adjusts in 4 different positions, ensuring that your child’s legs can be well supported during eating, providing him with stability.

Why is an Adjustable Footrest so imperative?

If you child’s feet are being supported, he will be able to focus on the task of eating. If an adjustable footrest is not present or is inadequate, he will spend the majority of his energy trying to keep himself upright and will tire himself out. Would you be comfortable eating all of your meals while your legs are dangling?


The Anka by Svan High Chair Folds Compactly for storage and is great for those with limited space or for grandmas house. The wooden tray is removable and can be stored on the back of the chair which will allow you to pull the chair right up the dining room table.

Weight limit:

When your baby is able to sit upright independently and has good sitting balance, typically around 6 months of age, he is ready to start using the Anka Chair. The Chair can accommodate a weight limit of 5 years or up to 50 pounds.


The Anka by Svan High Chair is distributed exclusively by Scandinavian Child. To find a retailer, please click here.

To learn more about this product and other products from Scandinavian Child, please visit:

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