Heart Thrive: Nutritious Meals to Go

Heart Thrives are convenient, delicious, wholesome meals-to-go. Fresh-baked, and with no GMO ingredients or preservatives, these vegan oat bars are a low-fat, no cholesterol alternative to pastries and processed energy bars. They come in 6 fruit flavors, plus the ever-popular Chocolate Chip! Each satisfying 4 oz. package contains 30% of the recommended daily protein, fiber,and calcium. They’re doctor-recommended and diabetic-friendly.


Heart Thrives are available at most Whole Foods and Wild Oats Markets, as well as most independent natural food stores and hundreds of coffee shops, gyms, and convenience stores across the US. Heart Thrives are available online at www.suncakes.com or toll-free at 1-800-830-0309. Get 6 free with your first order!

*Don’t forget to check out the special offers from The Healthy Baking Company!

Success Through Play™ comments:

Looking for a delicious AND healthy snack? We have found the perfect snack for you: Heart Thrives-a vegan, oat based snack that is cholesterol free, high in protein, fiber and calcium. These delicious heart-shaped whole grain snacks are dense, satisfying, oh-so-delicious and heart healthy! From the airplane, to the office to the gym-reach for these trans fat free, nutritious snacks when you are on the go and need a low glycemic healthy snack. Check out the impressive nutritional information here.

We received a box of Heart Thrives from The Healthy Baking Company containing each of the 7 flavors! Two 2 ounce snacks are included in every package. Here is a summary from our testers feedback:

Apple Flavor:
Warmed in the microwave for a few seconds, the Apple flavored Heart Thrives tasted like a fresh, rich and satisfying Apple Pie. Enjoy it without any guilt!

Chocolate Chip Flavor:
Studded with chocolate chips, this flavor will appeal to chocolate lovers! The combination of oats and chocolate go very well together and paired with a glass of almond/soymilk, is the perfect post workout/afternoon snack.

Apricot Flavor:
The fruity apricot flavor is so tasty and makes a perfect breakfast on the run. A panel favorite.

Sweet, fruity and chewy-yummy!

If you like sweet treats-this is the Heart Thrive flavor for you.

Poppy Seed:
Light and refreshing-the perfect afternoon snack.

In addition to offering Heart Thrives, The Healthy Baking Company offers another snack called Suncakes.

For further information about Heart Thrives and Suncakes, please visit: www.hearththrives.com

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