To-Go Ware®

To-Go Ware® offer non-plastic, reusable eatingware including a bamboo utensil set and 2-tier stainless steel food carrier.

“Our mission is to make available innovative products that provide a solution, tell a great story, and are enjoyable to use. To-Go Ware® seeks to stimulate positive practices for the way people live in relationship with themselves, their neighbors and the planet. We hope to empower people to participate in the process of changing the world they live in by providing them the tools to do so.”

Product Descriptions (provided by To-Go Ware):

To-Go Ware® 2 Tier Stainless Steel Food Carrier

How often do you find yourself tossing away food containers? Even if you pack your own lunch, are you reusing containers and packaging, or finding yourself creating more waste than you might like to? The To-Go Ware® 2-Tier Stainless Steel Food Carrier is a great way to take your food to-go. Stainless steel is highly resilient, so this carrier will be with you for a long time—and it won’t leach toxins like many plastics can. Great for both hot and cold food; the two separate units allow you to keep your side dish from running into your main course, and there is also a handy removable plate. Its sturdy handle and light weight make this item convenient and easy to carry. Take it with you to the office, to school, while camping or picnicking . . . why not bring it into your favorite take-out place and get it to-go in your To-Go Ware®, rather than in a disposable container?

Bamboo Utensil Set

This utensil set is a toolkit to help reduce your ecological footprint and keep you connected to the world. Enjoy eating with organic utensils made of bamboo, which is highly durable and can be grown and harvested sustainably. “Throwaway” plastic cutlery consists of petrochemicals harmful to the environment, as well as contributing to wasteful habits that feed the landfill rather than nourishing our lives. In addition, the holder itself has been produced by WEAVE, a women’s cooperative on the Thai-Burma border. By purchasing this utensil set, you will have
contributed to their advancement and empowerment, and made a positive impact to global community.

Bamboo Flatware & Chopsticks

–Heat and stain resistant, won’t impart or absorb flavors
–Lightweight, strong and long lasting
–Hand finished with top grade natural, food-safe wood oil


USA and Canadian Readers can shop online by visiting the To-Go Ware® website, or use the new zipcode locator on the retailers page to find a store near you.

Success Through Play™ comments:

We are kicking off our Holiday Gifts Topic of the Month with 2 fabulous products from To-Go Ware®. We would like to thank To-Go Ware® for sending us samples. We asked Stephanie Bernstein, Founder & CEO of To-Go Ware®, what advice could she offer our readers in terms of being more eco-friendly when shopping, eating etc?

Stephanie: “Turn down things being given to you that can be thrown away — bring your own. Plastic shopping bags, coffee cups, utensils — even electing no receipt at check out can lighten your ecological footprint”.

Our test panel of working professionals (Dan and Amanda) were eager to test drive the Stainless Steel Food Carrier along with the Bamboo Utensil Set. Dan, admitted that he had struggled to find a food container that didn’t look feminine and as a result, resorted to eating out daily. Dan really liked the Food Carrier and commented that the look was stylish, functional and he felt confident toting it to work. Dan was thrilled with the amount of money that he was saving weekly, by making his own lunch vs buying it daily. Amanda had been taking disposable lunch containers to work and was keen to find an eco-friendly container that she could keep on reusing. Both Dan and Amanda were in awe of the beautiful Bamboo Utensil Set, which rolls up for storage. They were both equally impressed with the high quality products that were lightweight and convenient to take to work. Work colleagues made a beeline to sit next to them at work and everyone wanted to know where they could get theirs!

We applaud To-Go Ware for supporting WEAVE: Women’s Education for Advancement and Empowerment (WEAVE) which “strives to create a world where empowered women and their children are free to exercise their rights and live peacefully in a just, humane and equitable society.” To learn more about WEAVE, please click here. To-Go Ware® Products are affordable and will make a wonderful, eco-friendly gift that you will feel great giving!

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